Monday, 29 January 2018

Installing Applications Dynamically in the SCCM Task Sequence

I had a client that required to install Tier 3 applications dynamically during the build process. The idea behind it was to ensure that all the applications which the user requirements were installed. So that when the laptop was delivered there was no waiting for the application to download and install. Of course, each user has different requirements so the solution needed to be dynamic. There are some requirements for this soultion to work.

  • Applications will need to be deployed to a user collections. All the collections will need to be under one unique container name.
  • The user is required to be assigned to the device (Device Affinity) during the build process.
  • Applications have to be allowed to install via Task Sequence.

User Collections

To enable the script to determine what applications have been assign to the user. A query of the user collections is required to gather information on the user's membership of the collection. To ensure that only certain applications are installed a unique container name with all the user collections under it will need to created. For example, a container called "Tier 3 Applications " has been created which is unique to any other container. All the collections are contained within this folder so that only these collections will be queried.

Primary User Assignment

During the build process, the device will need to be assigned to the user. This can be done if you are importing the computer to SCCM before building the laptop using. Import the computer information.

Once the device has been imported into you can assign the primary user. If you are deploying using unknown computers then you will need to assign the device to the user during the build process (i.e using an HTA file for user input). I will follow up this blog with how to create an HTA file.

Allow Application to install in TS

To be able to install applications dynamically the “Allow this application to be installed from the Install Application task sequence action without being deployed” needs to be selected.

If the applications are not enabled to install during the task sequence it will fail with the below error in the C:\Windows\Logs\smsts.log.

"App Policy for Application not received. Make sure the application is marked for dynamic app install. Policy download failed, hr=0x80004005"

Install Applications Dynamically Script

The following PowerShell script will find the primary user via WMI in SCCM. It will then look to see if they are a member of the user collections. Review the applications deployed to it and then create a .csv file to create the Task Sequence Variable. The reason a .csv file is created is due to the script requiring to run under an account with administrative rights to the SCCM server to run WMI.

To use the script you will need the following details:
  • Site Code
  • Site Server Name
  • Unique Container Name
Here is an example of what it will look like to pass these variables to the script:

 InstallApplicationsDynamically.ps1 -SiteCode "AU1" -ContainerName "Tier 3 Applications" -SiteServer "SiteServerName.astzum.local"

Here is the "InstallApplicationsDynamically.ps1" script:

Setting Task Sequence Variables Script

The script "SettingTaskSequenceVariables.ps1" will set the  Task Sequence variables of applications that have been discovered for the user. This is done by importing the .csv file "C:\Windows\Temp\Tier3ApplicationScript.csv".

Here is the "SettingTaskSequenceVariables.ps1" script

Create a package for the scripts

You will need to create a package which will have both the scripts in it. We can then call this package when executing the scripts during the build.

No need for a program to be created.

Task Sequence

Okay, the last step is to add the steps to the build. There is going to be three steps in total.
  • InstallApplicationsDynamically.ps1(Run Command Line)
  • SettingTaskSequenceVariables.ps1 (Run Powershell Script)
  • Install the applcations (Install Applications)

Frist create the step to discover the applications for the primary user. Ensure the account used to run the step has rights to run WMI on the SCCM Site Server. 

Next, run the script to create the Task Sequence Variables.

The last step is to install applications by using the AppID task sequence variable set.


A log file called “Tier3ApplicationScript.log” is created under C:\Windows\Temp.
The log file shows if there is a primary user attached to the device and also the primaryuserID. If there is no primary user or primaryuserID then no applications will install. The log also shows what applications will be installed.

If the applications didn’t install, then check the C:\Windows\Logs\smsts.log file to see if there are any errors. First, check to see if the task sequence variables have been created,

Check in the C:\Windows\Logs\smsts.log to see if the application installs. If the log file says that SCCM is unable to install the application due to permission issues. Check to ensure the application is enabled to be deployed using a task sequence

Sunday, 14 January 2018

Intel's Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities

If you have not been living under a rock, you might have heard about Intel’s vulnerabilities called “Meltdown” and “Spectre”. In some cases, you may have to treat each vulnerability differently.  There is a lot of information out there, so I thought I would collect some information to help people understand it.

If interested who discovered the bug, the bug was found by Security researchers at Cyberus TechnologyGoogle, and the Graz University of Technology

Please see the below link from Googles security research team Project Zero.

To go into details of Meltdown and Spectre is, please see the below link from the Graz University of Technology.

Microsoft has released a patch to resolve certain aspects of the vulnerabilities. The patch was released in January 2018.  First released was the operating system's patch but now you can also download the Internet Explorer, Edge and SQL patches.  Details of the patches and vulnerabilities can be found here:

At the time of writing there is currently no patch for Windows Server 2008 and also Windows Server 2012.


For the vulnerability Meltdown, Microsoft had a lot of issues initially with the patch as they found a lot of the Anti-Virus programs making incorrect calls to the Kernel Memory. The initial testing found a lot of devices blue screening.

You can find information below:

As stated in the article you will need to check to see if you have the latest Anti-Virus software and that it is compatible with the patch. Otherwise, you will not get the update. Within WSUS or SCCM, it will say that the update is not required. You will also never get future updates as well! If you are using Microsoft products you are in luck as all their products are compatible.

Windows Defender Antivirus, System Center Endpoint Protection, and Microsoft Security Essentials are compatible with the January 2018 security updates and have set the required registry key.”

For any third-party software you will need to check if the following key is set on a machine

Key="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" Subkey="SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\QualityCompat" Value="cadca5fe-87d3-4b96-b7fb-a231484277cc" Type="REG_DWORD”

If not ensure you have the latest Anti-Virus software. In some case, you could set the registry key, for example, Trend believes there are no issues and have to advise to set the key manually to get the update.

For Symantec, they have a bug which will create a new GUI every few seconds which will take a large percentage of your CPU usage and cause it to freeze. It happened to me it is not fun. There should be a patch by the 17th of January.

To find out if your anti-virus program is compatible and has set the registry please see Kevin Beaumont spreadsheet. Thanks Kev.


Now to protect your servers from Spectre you will need to do the following:
  • Apply the Windows operating system update.
  • Make necessary configuration changes to enable protection.
  • Apply an applicable firmware update from the OEM device manufacturer
The updates that are required are:
Operating system version
Update KB
Windows Server, version 1709 (Server Core Installation)
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Server 2012
Not available
Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows Server 2008
Not available

To enable protection you will need to run the following commands:
reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management" /v FeatureSettingsOverride /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management" /v FeatureSettingsOverrideMask /t REG_DWORD /d 3 /f
reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Virtualization" /v MinVmVersionForCpuBasedMitigations /t REG_SZ /d "1.0" /f
To update your firmware please see the following manufactures websites:

All the information from Microsoft can be found here:

Now there has been a lot of talk of performance derogation. This seems to be true just a quick search you can find some examples. Microsoft has acknowledged it:

Intel has completed some testing and shared their results:

Okay, this was a just quick post to help people in the right direction. Hopefully, this helps a few people understand what to do. 

Friday, 12 January 2018

SCCM Capture Media "Machine Check Exception"

Today I was trying to capture a Server 2012 R2 image using a SCCM capture disc. The current environment is using SCCM CB 1702 which has Windows 10 ADK installed. I was using the WinPE version 10.0.15063.0.  I was getting the error of "Machine Check Exception" after the device was sysprep.

I made the simple mistake of believing that the latest version would be backward compatible and able to use for Server 2012 R2. This is not the case and for Server 2012 R2 I would need version 6.3.9300.  I downloaded the Windows 8.1 ADK and copied the boot image into SCCM.  This resolved the issue.